Thursday, April 29, 2010

4-29-10: The High Plains of Kansas

It's a day or so away from May and the wind is drifting down from the
Dakota's, across Nebraska and gusting through Kansas.
I'm in Manhattan, Kansas, home of Tiger Woods father and voted the best place to retire young by Forbes magazine in 2006. Fort Riley is 20 minutes away and Kansas State University is right downtown. Imagine the meld of academic and army,
armor and intellect, fatigues and Billabong shorts.
I'm visiting my son and family, freshly retired from an Army career. I unloaded my camper in in his driveway and it squats there giving the neighbors something for speculation.

God, I do love a good rumor.

I cut my Yosemite camp host gig short to be here. It was a bit of a change in environments.
What a difference 1600 miles makes.